

Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:

You can also:

  • Fill out a repeat prescriptions request form (found on the back of your last prescription form).
  • Bring the paper form to the surgery, Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm. 

We do not take repeat prescription requests over the phone.

Collecting your prescription

You can usually collect your prescription from the pharmacy 4 to 5 working days after you have ordered it.

Questions about your prescription

If you have questions about your medicine, your local pharmacists can answer these. They can also answer questions on medicines you can buy without a prescription. 

The NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.

If you would like to speak to someone at the GP surgery about your prescription, please phone us after 10am and ask to speak to our pharmacy technician. 

In line with health service guidance, we only issue medication for up to two months at a time and when it is due. If you are going on holiday and need medication early, please add details about this to your request. 

If you have to pay for more than one item regularly, it might be cheaper to buy a prepayment certificate. Your pharmacist can advise you.

Medication reviews

If you have a repeat prescription, we may ask you to come in for a regular review. A notification to say when you are due a review will appear on your repeat prescription slip.